Results-oriented Outreach Methodologies Long-time Relationships with Communities
and Unions Staff Quality and Capable Project Engineers and Managers Remove the Guess Work from Project Labor Agreements (PLA)

P&A will Streamline and Simplify your Construction Project.

Public and private sector construction projects have large overhead associated with them: Complex project implementation tasks, extensive legal contracting, vast staffing requirements and sizeable budgets.

We are Qualified to Assist You With:

Community Outreach (SBE/DBE)
Contract Administration & Compliance
Labor Compliance & PLA
Local Worker Hiring
Project Engineers & Managers
Subcontractor Training

Our Results Speak for Themselves:

• Clients rate us highly.
• Our deliverables are of the highest quality.
• Through our advice and services, our clients see unquestionable,
   tangible results in their projects.

Contact us now at 213-422-0646
   Or use our contact form for more information

Project & Construction Contracting Expertise

Donetta Pickett, President/CEO possesses over 20 years of experience in workforce development programs and service experience in both public and private sectors.


Community Business Enterprise (CBE)

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Small Business Enterprise (SBE)

Woman Owned (WBE)

Minority Owned (MBE)

California Unified Certification Program (CUCP)

Department of General Services (DGS)

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA)

Los Angeles County Office of Small Business/PTAC