SBE/Labor Consultant Ensures Contractor Compliance– B2GNow and LCP Tracker
Leave a CommentHensel Phelps Newsletter December 22, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 4
The County of Los Angeles requires a comprehensive Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Participation Program and Local Worker Hiring Program for the MLK-IPT Project that outlines specific compliance obligations and requires a monthly contractor performance evaluation. The County monitors Hensel Phelps performance in achieving its 35.1% SBE participation goal and the 30% local worker participation requirement through two online contract compliance applications, B2GNow and LCP Tracker.
Donetta Pickett and Karen Brown of D. Pickett & Associates, Inc. (DPA), Hensel Phelps’ SBE/Labor Compliance Consultant, conduct routine training sessions in B2GNow and LCP Tracker for new subcontractors beginning work on the MLK-IPT Project. On December 12, 2011, more than 23 representatives from small construction firms attended the training workshop to learn how to use B2GNow to confirm subcontractor monthly “prompt payments” in the system and how to submit their certified payroll reports through LCP Tracker.
Hensel Phelps has committed to award approximately $39 Million to SBE firms directly and though its subcontractors. First-tier subcontractors are committed to sharing the work with Los Angeles County-based SBE firms to achieve the project’s SBE participation goal. The County will monitor the SBE commitments using B2GNow.
State labor compliance requirements are enforced on the MLK-IPT project to ensure contractor compliance with all reporting requirements: all check-list forms must be completed and uploaded to LCP Tracker prior to start of work; and weekly uploads of Department of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS)140 forms and Certified Payroll Reports (CPR) must be executed. This allows Hensel Phelps to report accurate labor statistics in the “Craft Utilization Report” for local workers and disadvantaged local worker participation on the project…
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